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F & Q for Frunk & Trunk LED

F & Q for Frunk & Trunk LED

How to install model Y trunk LED?

There is two installations on Model Y trunk led,  some install only upper parts, it is easy, just connect the led with the trunk button. if you want to install Model Y led with upper and down, then pls check below :

there are 2 ways to connect main power source:

1. conect to model y trunk cigarrette cable
2. connect to hv line located under the rear right seat
one of this power is connect to 30 on 5pin replay and using 1x1 port connector to tap trunk led yellow line and connect to 85 or 86 on 5pin relay
and connect ground cable to 85 or 86,led strip is connected to 87 on 5pin relay. if you connect like that, led turn on and off together with factory led
if you want to turn it on and off manually, no need 5pin relay and directly connect led strip to cigarrette socket


1 commentaire sur F & Q for Frunk & Trunk LED
  • Albert

    Yes please post a video instructions are not good

    March 24, 2023
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