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How to solve screen frozen on Andriod for 866 screen

How to solve screen frozen on Andriod for 866 screen

In this post , we will introduce how to upgrade SATONIC 8.66 screen if you meet screen Frozen on Andriod interface or Satonic logo interface, Please make sure the upgrade process correctly, make sure unpgrade successfully


1) We need to upgrade the screen two times with two software

2) We need to prepare a TF card , Memory from 8 G to 16G, Format it 

3) After the first upgrade successfully, Delete the "ATCUPG" software from your TF card and copy "AutoUpdate" into TF card only


Upgrade 1. active the screen:

You need to download software "ATCUPG", and active the screen, please check the follow software link and upgrade video.

Software download link: 

Upgrade process :

Note: Use a smart Pin and press "Reset"slot one time, Screen will be dark and reset, then slide the screen with 5 fingers untill you see the datas display, then wait the screen upgrading (please do not lock your car or power off your Tesla), it will take around 15-20 minutes.  After it successfully, there will be a interface as below. that means the screen is actived. you could process the next software upgrade


2.Upgrade the latest "AutoUpdate" software:

Software download link:

Upgrade process:

1. Use TF card 8- 16G , Format the TF card
2. Copy software File "AutoUpdate" into TF card
3. Insert the TF to type C port, it will be upgraded automatically, please do not power off
on remove the TF card while upgrading
4.the screen will be restarted after upgraded
5. Press Exit and remove TF card


If you have any questions, please send us email to

4 comments on How to solve screen frozen on Andriod for 866 screen
  • Al

    Support from these guys is horrendous. Apart from trying to palm me off and saying that I didn’t purchase from them (which I did) so they can’t support me, they just stopped replying to me when this process would not work. I will never buy another one of their products.

    Despite the lack of support. I got this process to work. The instructions above are not great, but maybe this might help some of you.

    First, when you download the file from the link on the Google drive, Google zips up the file, but it splits it into two zip files. One will be a little over 1GB and the other will be about 789MB. You need to unzip both files and put the extracted files into one directory called “ATCUPG”. In total, there should be 29 items in this folder. Copy the folder on to a freshly formatted USB drive. I formatted mine with FAT32.
    Note: I initially tried this process with several USB drives I had at home, but they were all USB-A drives so I had to use an adaptor to convert to USB-C to plug in to the unit. I even tried it with multiple adaptors. It failed every time. I ended up buying a SanDisk drive with a native USB-C connector and this worked. So if you’re having issues at this point, you might want to give it a try.

    For the second step, there is only one zip file that downloads. Just extract this and follow the process of formatting the USB drive and copy the folder and it’s contents to the flash drive. Once you plug it in, if the first part was successful and you’re seeing the screen shown above with the icons along the bottom, then it will detect the upgrade file and start automatically. Once this process completes, it should be good to go again.

    Hope that works for you.

    February 08, 2025
  • mike

    not working, doesn’t load logo of car and says fastboot mode

    January 20, 2025
  • Ming

    it won’t work, after press the reset, the screen can no longer control the aircon and seats.
    the company has not replied to me with any solution yet.

    January 09, 2025
  • theend

    Be carful, this process totally broke mine… it doesn’t get turned on…😱

    November 19, 2024
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