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Bringing Back the Gear Lever: SATONIC's Solution for Model 3 Highland & Model S/X

Bringing Back the Gear Lever: SATONIC's Solution for Model 3 Highland & Model S/X

Introducing the SATONIC Gear Lever Handle Bar: A Seamless Solution for Tesla Drivers


With Tesla's ongoing push toward cutting-edge design and technology, some recent updates have left long-time drivers adjusting to new controls. One such change is the removal of the traditional gear lever in Tesla's latest models, including the Tesla Model 3 Highland, Model X, and Model S. While this upgrade offers a sleek, futuristic design and simplified driving experience, it can also cause inconvenience for those who are accustomed to more conventional gear-shifting mechanisms.

The introduction of touch-sensitive gear controls in Tesla’s latest models marks a significant leap forward in automotive innovation. However, some drivers, especially those who’ve spent years driving with a traditional gear lever, may feel discomfort adjusting to the absence of this familiar feature. That's where the SATONIC Gear Lever Handle Bar steps in, bridging the gap between Tesla’s cutting-edge technology and the comfort of long-time driving habits.



Why the SATONIC Gear Lever Handle Bar Was Developed

The primary goal of SATONIC in developing the Gear Lever Handle Bar was simple: to make driving more comfortable and provide a gradual transition into Tesla’s next-generation technology. We recognize that while Tesla’s innovations are revolutionary, drivers shouldn’t have to feel disoriented or uncomfortable during the transition. The removal of the physical gear lever may appeal to tech enthusiasts, but it can make everyday driving more challenging for those who prefer traditional controls.


Installation Videos

Model 3 Highland: https://youtu.be/hqRalLUDLQg

Model S/X: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1izm3Nmwpu0

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