최근 뉴스
How to Install SATONIC 8.66 Entertainment Screen for Tesla with in 5 Minutes
🚀 Install the SATONIC 8.66” Rear Entertainment Screen in Just 5 Minutes! 🚀 In our latest video, we’ll walk you...
SATONIC 8.8 lunix Carplay Screen Software
In the page, we will note down what problems happened while using or installing, Self-installation video and photos, we will...
ST490/ST505 8.8 inch Carplay Screen
SATONIC 8.8 inch Smart Dashboard Screen, Designed exclusively for Tesla Model 3 /Model 3 Highland & Y, Designed with two style, ...
ST919 소프트웨어 및 업그레이드 팁
ST919 소프트웨어를 업그레이드하려는 고객은 다음 링크에서 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 2023.4.9 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DGb1kL4az5nYdbGCA_CT4mguptectF6Q?usp=share_link 맞춤형 지원: support@satonic-autoparts.com
모델 Y 이모티콘 파일럿 LED(Android 앱) 다운로드
안드로이드 앱 다운로드: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14_jDTTKuKehkpB_hDPij1RBwZdZcKb9F?usp=sharing 지원: Support@satonic-autoparts.com
SATONIC V6.5 도어 핸들 설치 방법
SATONIC 도어 핸들 V6.5 설치 상세 사진 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_mLmxcnvOOP1YxcmchQjoQOanpaORLfe?usp=sharing