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Installation tips for trunk foot kick sensor
Some customers do not know where to connect the foot kick sensors B+ cable, here we made a photo page...
V7L Auto handles SoftWare & Problem self-inspection
In this page, we will upgrade new software continuely, customers can save or follow satonic website for the latest new...
Model 3 & Y Ambient Light Installation Tips
SATONIC 3rd generation Ambient light for Tesla Model 3 & Y, Use Radium carving solution, In this tech supports, the...
Soft-close door V5 & Auto handles DIY Tips
In this page, we will load photos & Videos how to DIY auto handles and soft-close door for your tesla...
10.25'' Dashboard Installation Tips & Software upgrade
In the page, we will note down what problems happened while using or installing, Self-installation video and photos, we will...
Some customers can not install correctly or have questions while in installation. On this page, we will note where customers meet...
ST911/ST911Max Installation tips & Software
On this page, we will load installation tips for the ST911 Smart dashboard(4.6inch Dashboard), ST911max (6.2 inch dashboard). Those tips will help...
F & Q for Frunk & Trunk LED
How to install model Y trunk LED? There is two installations on Model Y trunk led, some install only upper parts,...